We’re Still Here!

By the grace of God, CLGWI Victims still stands. We had to make a few changes to the site. We had to remove the clips from the services where they pronounced curses on those who left, where they threatened to take churches, where they threatened to take people’s money, and of course the one where Joseph White claimed he was above the law. The video clips are gone but the stories of abuse still remain. That is the most important thing. Those stories need to stand. They need to be a warning for all those that seek a church home to beware of Church of the Living God International . Church of the Living God International is not a safe haven to the lost and weary soul. It is a den of thieves, a house of wolves in sheep’s clothing. To the one with a broken heart and a weary soul, Church of the Living God International is not the place of rest of and refuge you seek. Continue to search. God yet still has a place of rest for you and any church in Church of the Living God International is not that place of rest.

Be strong! Be brave! Be courageous!

# Church of the Living God Internationalwrong #godlystrong

2 Replies to “We’re Still Here!”

  1. Of course they want the clips of them showing their tails taken down! They don’t want people to see their foolishness! They don’t want people to know how narcissistic they are! They don’t want people to see that they are a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal! But we know! We’ve seen…we’ve experienced. And then we know and experience the power of deliverance! We know the power of God’s Grace! We know the how much mercy God has on us! We know that God looks on our hearts and not the outward appearance! Lift your head , oh ye gates….! God is our God! Jesus is our Saviour! And the Holy Spirit is our guide! And there is no 4th person of the Godhead! 😂

    1. Hey David, well said! Looks like Martha and others were ashamed of those false prophecies and other videos showing their tails. I really wish those videos could’ve stayed up, showing Martha telling people who left to “get yo behind (or tail, don’t remember) on up outta here”, showing Mary pronouncing 30 day curses, showing Mary giving out false prophecies and being exposed, Joe above the law of man etc. She is letting it be known how shameful she knows those videos are, and how Church of the Living God International leaders have been so wrong and so off. Who knows. Maybe we’ll get the victory and be able to re-post those videos, RIGHT IN FRONT. We have every right to continue this as The Most High continues to allow. Take care.

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